Saturday, September 26, 2009


Well, here I am. I made it to Nogent le Rotrou without any problems. So far, it’s been pretty great. It’s a really small town of about 5,000 people and rather spread out, at least compared to Montpellier. My contact person has been really helpful in picking me up at the train station, showing me around the town, and letting me use her mother-in-law’s bike to get around! I’ve already found a place to go running-not that I’ve actually been running yet- but it’s a nice path around a lake, le basin de loisirs. I have to bike to it, but it is really nice. I went there today and there were tons of people fishing and camping by the lake. I didn’t even know French people did that kind of stuff!

I’m currently living at a foyer des jeunes travailleurs, which is exactly like a dorm but for French workers who move to Nogent. I have my own room, but there’s a hall bathroom. They provide meals during the week, and then on weekends I can cook. The foyer is run by a super nice and welcoming couple who really try to make it like a home instead of foyer. They’re also really great about helping with questions about France.

I start observing classes at the elementary school on Monday afternoon, so I will get to meet the students and teachers I will be working with then.

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