Sunday, October 25, 2009

Les Vacances de Toussaint

Well, after 2 weeks of working, it is clearly time for a 2week vacation. Yay France and their love of time off! It's true, they do enjoy their breaks and really make sure they have time to relax. The only unfortunate thing about having a break this early is that I haven't been paid, so it's hard to go on any big trips. I'll mostly probably be just jetting around the area and doing some day trips in France (like Paris). I went to Dreux for a dinner party with some other assistants this weekend, and it was really nice to see another little town and experience another part of France.

My second week of teaching was pretty good. The kids are still really cute, and seem to enjoy English class. They always volunteer and usually listen to me, at least most of them. Hopefully, that trend'll continue after break!

Bonnes vacances a tout le monde!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ca y est!

Well, survived my first days of classes still intact. Teaching is exhausting! I have 8 classes, with 3 different levels. The kids are pretty cute, and for the most part, well-behaved. There's only a couple classes where the kids talked and whispered and moved around, but luckily, those are the classes where the teachers are very involved in disciplining the kids.

I have tomorrow off, which means I can lesson plan for the next couple of days. If you have any helpful hints for fun games to learn basic English, pass them on!

Also, this past weekend, the other assistant and I went to Paris! It was fabulous, of course. We spent most of the time in and around Montmartre, which is by far my favorite part of Paris. There's so many good restaurants, bakeries and things to do. It was the Fete des Vendanges, which is a throwback to when Montmartre was a big vineyard and wine-making area. It was a really cool street fair with different booths for the many wine regions of France as well as traditional foods from those regions. There was also a parade and fireworks! It was fun to see the city so alive and full of people.